I work for a SNF( Skilled Nursing Facility). A coworker and I disagree on how to handle the scenario below:
Resident's payer sources are HMO A (Humana) and Medicaid. If after billing Humana for skilled days you then discover that the census was wrong for this resident and should have come off skilled the last 2 days of stay. Do you wait and see if Humana pays or do you send a corrected claim to Humana and then bill Medicaid for the 2 days of ICF? Is this an ethics or fraud dilemma? Please help!
Resident's payer sources are HMO A (Humana) and Medicaid. If after billing Humana for skilled days you then discover that the census was wrong for this resident and should have come off skilled the last 2 days of stay. Do you wait and see if Humana pays or do you send a corrected claim to Humana and then bill Medicaid for the 2 days of ICF? Is this an ethics or fraud dilemma? Please help!